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With world-leading researchers, young talents, and prominent international scientists, Integreat aims to shape the new field of knowledge-driven machine learning in Norway. Our research makes machine learning more sustainable, accurate, trustworthy, and ethical.

Integreat is a Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway (2023-2033). The centre is hosted by the University of Oslo, with partners The Arctic University of Norway and Norwegian Computing Center.

Machine learning is the mathematical and computational engine of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and therefore a fundamental force of technological progress in our increasingly digital, data-driven world.

Unlike the current focus on data-centric approaches in machine learning, Integreat develops theories, methods, models and algorithms that integrate general and domain-specific knowledge with data, laying the foundations of next generation machine learning. This will be done by combining the mathematical and computational cultures, and the methodologies of statistics, logic and machine learning in unique ways.

Integreat's machine learning will solve fundamental problems in science, technology, health and society, and contribute to make Norway a world leading country in AI.

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Integreat - The Norwegian centre for knowledge-drive machine learning is a centre of excellence funded by Research Council of Norway under the Norwegian Centres of Excellence scheme, SFF-V.

Project number 332645 (01.07.2023-30.06.2033)